Friday, May 2, 2008

On the Road to Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness

On the road in quest of spiritual awakening, I've been contemplating and studying the question of what spirituality is, what consciousness is and what 'reality' itself is, for the last few years now - diligently studying it.

I really feel that I know, not only with my reasoning, rational understanding and analytical ability, but more importantly in the depth of my intuitive, supra-rational, non-cognitive mind and being that all paths and branches of knowledge lead to the same conclusion: It's all consciousness . . . reality, spirituality, the psyche . . . it's all one. This entire experience, this existence, what we inhabit, is all one pure and undivided, non-dual, utterly entangled interbeing . . . a unitive Meta-Consciousness... Physics, metaphysics, theology and psychology all, I believe, point to this same ageless truth.

If you haven't read Gary Zhukav's "The Dancing Wu Li Masters", I highly recommend it.

At page 31, Zhukav juxtaposes the views of Carl Jung (to many, if not most, the greatest Western psychologist, therapeutic analyst and expositor of the workings of humanity's psyche yet) and Wolfgang Pauli, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. In doing so, Zhukav comes to a most startling, and liberating conclusion - a conclusion that most fair-minded, scientific readers will be hard-pressed to refute I believe, if they press on and give Zhukav's layman's analysis of the great advances of 20th century physics - relativity and quantum theories - a considered and concerted study.

Quoting Jung and then Pauli, Zhukav writes:

"According to quantum mechanics there is no such thing as objectivity. We cannot eliminate ourselves from the picture. We are a part of nature, and when we study nature there is no way around the fact that nature is studying itself. Physics has become a branch of psychology, or perhaps the other way round.

Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, wrote:
The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.
Jung's friend, the Nobel Prize winning physicist, Wolfgang Pauli, put it this way:
From an inner center the psyche seems to move outward, in the sense of an extraversion, into the physical world . . ."
Then Zhukav weaves these two threads neatly together to a startling and liberating conclusion - a conclusion that is upheld as one peruses his history of modern physics from its Newtonian, pre-relativistic roots, through Einsteinian relativistic theory and quantum theory, ending with brilliant conclusions on Bell's theorem and the work of David Bohm (a physicist who likely missed out on the big "prizes" of phsysics, due to both McCarthyism and his metaphysical forays into the experience of consciousness with his friend, the enlightened spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti).

Zhukav, examining the insights of Jung and Pauli, concludes:
"If these men are correct, then physics is the study of the structure of consciousness" (emphasis added).
Thoughts anyone?

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